Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Hermes Asteroid was discovered by Karl Reinmuth in 1937. One day he noticed an odd streak in of light in a picture he had taken of the night sky. It was very close to Earth and moving extremly fast. Reinmuth named it Hermes, the herald of Olympian gods. On October 30, 1937, Hermes glided past Earth only twice as far away as the moon. The asteroid was racing across the sky at a rate of 5 degrees per hour.

Source: NASA


  1. WOW Alexa that is really good! you worked really hard and it really payed off! The blogs and everything you did was really good and nice and hard working. :) no bat comments you rock <3

  2. Alexa, my examples are given to guide you and give you an idea of the format expected. You should write about original ideas and experiences. The AMNH post is too similar to mine to count for credit and might be considered plagiarism.
